Where to taste or buy wine?
Points of sale / wine tasting
> Mas familial (A family farm estate) :
1195 route de Boisset – 30140 Bagard
No official opening hours for this wine tasting and point of sales site located on the family farm estate, but feel free to stop by because there’s almost always someone around ! Or contact me to make an appointment !
> Professionals :
Good deals
> Pre-arrival sales :
at a preferential rate and a better knowledge of the wine
This principle is based on pre-arrival sales:
– you agree to order a minimum of 12 bottles a year (or more with a multiple of 12) of any type;
– you pay in advance and you benefit from a 25% price reduction.
If you adopt this principle:
– I will communicate with you throughout the different winemaking steps : the vine cycle, grape ripeness, fermentations, blending, ageing, bottling, gustatory characteristics, etc ;
– you will have the possibility of exchanging with me (questions, advice, suggestions…), and even, why not, participate in certain steps of the life of the wine!
> Sponsorship :
become an ambassador of the brand Quartier Lander !
For each new sponsor :
– 1 bottle is offered;
– your sponsoree will also profit from a 25% price reduction from the wine cellar for a minimum purchase of 12 bottles (or a multiple of 12).
2 options to become a sponsor :
– you centralise the orders and send a global purchase order, noting the name and address of the concerned persons ;
– your sponsoree contacts me directly, noting that he/she has come on your behalf.
> Bulk purchase (soon to be available) :
sliding scale based on order volume
Here’s another way of getting Quartier Lander and Mas Lander wines at an attractive price !
The principle is simple :
– an « ambassador » joins together the orders of the persons parties, makes the overall payment, and receives and distributes the bottles to everyone.
To make this easier, I provide a file to gather together the orders in an easy and efficient manner.
The price on a sliding scale based on the quantity ordered can be very attractive depending on the amount !

Pre-arrival sales : how to participate in this venture ?
How do you retrieve the bottles ?
Reservations are possible as soon as the harvest has ended up until the bottling either by e-mail, postal letter or by telephone. The bottling is done in the spring, so the wine is available between mid-April to the end of June.
There are several solutions to retrieve the bottles :
> come to the « open house » week-end that we organise every year in the spring at Bagard to officially launch the new vintage ;
> stop by during the summer : we will be pleased to greet you, certainly with a welcome drink and we can give you your order at that time ;
> finally, I can either send the bottles directly to you, with a small fee to cover shipping costs, or deliver them to directly you when I have the opportunity of going through your area, which could certainly be pleasant.
Wine tasting tours
Every year, I organise wine tours in some large cities in France (Paris, Bordeaux, Nantes…) to present and do wine tastings of new vintages including :
– my Quartier Lander blends ;
– the Mas Lander wine estate terroir wines.
These friendly and pleasant events will be announced in due course !